


不是一,也不是二 벗어날 탈 脱 (2021)

Not One and Not Two - a Buddhist belief that means that while individuals are not the same, they are also not different, either. At the same time, this is a question the film Not One and Not Two asks. The first episode of the film centers on a man who has fallen ill, but who attempts to gain enlightenment through mental training.
Not One and Not Two - a Buddhist belief that means that while individuals are not the same, they are also not different, either. At the same time, this is a question the film Not One and Not Two asks. The first episode of the film centers on a man who has fallen ill, but who attempts to gain enlightenment through mental training.
资源描述:Not One and Not Two - a Buddhist belief that means that while individuals are not the same, they are also not different, either. At the same time, this is a question the film Not One and Not Two asks. The first episode of the film centers on a man who has fallen ill, but who attempts to gain enlightenment through mental training.
更新时间:2024-11-26 14:00:52
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